
Acne vulgaris treatment

Acne lesions include comedones (whiteheads, blackheads), papules and pustules (small bumps, often with scarring), nodules, and cysts, often followed by scarring. The unpleasant sight of pimples makes many people run to the near drugstore or pharmacy because of the perceived influence acne has in social relations. Many acne washes and topical preparations on sale to the public contain salicylic acid as the active ingredient. A variety of treatments are available to get rid of acne scars, including laser treatments and chemical peels, but these are most effective once acne is well controlled. Oral or topical antibiotics reduce inflammation and kill the bacteria that cause pimples. If the over-the-counter products don't work, talk to your doctor again and he or she will recommend you a stronger treatment for scars, possibly even creams based on retinoids. It causes little skin irritancy, and is therefore particularly useful for patients who cannot tolerate benzoyl peroxide or re